Parking Lot Expansion

Find the Electrical Solution for Your Parking Lot Layout and Design

Are you planning to expand an existing parking lot or undergo new construction? Parking lot layout and design require the proper electrical support to achieve success. Let ARC Electrical Services handle the electrical side of your project to make everything run smoothly.

Ensuring Proper Coverage for Your Parking Lot

Parking lot lighting is an essential part of parking lot design. It is vital for safety after dark and an absolute must for any business that’s open late. It also helps your customers feel safer, and this will make them more inclined to frequent your business.

Lighting a parking lot requires the proper experience and skills. We can help you find the correct size, style, and distribution of parking lot lighting to ensure adequate visibility and to match the style of your business.

Safe and Reliable Installation

Our team handles your parking lot lighting installation and wiring to provide safe and lasting results. We ensure that your fixtures are safely installed and that they have the proper wiring to support years of use.

You may also need additional power distribution infrastructure to support your parking lot expansion. Our team installs and upgrades electrical panels to ensure that your property’s electrical system can take on the additional demand from new parking lot lighting.

ARC Electrical Services promotional image featuring services like lighting, electrical panels, and generators for both residential and commercial, with a call to action.

Let us handle the electrical side of your parking lot layout and design.

Contact us by calling 408-722-3688, or fill out the form below and we will be in contact within one business day.

Parking Lot Expansion

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